Central Russian Economic Forum 2015

Our country is going through a time of challenges. The new cycle of internal economic crisis coincided with a sharp deterioration in the global economy. The Western sanctions against Russia, the Russian ruble depreciation, the political and economic tension on the international stage aggravated the economic problems in Russia.

The long-established structure of commodity flows, with prevailing exports of raw materials and imports dominated by consumer goods and high-technology products, has nearly destroyed the segment of advanced value added processing in Russia. With this in mind, the main strategic goal is to create import-substituting production facilities. This is of special relevance for regions of Central Russia where the main knowledge-based capital is concentrated.

To overcome the crisis, the economy needs to be restructured in a short period of time. Russia has no time for wait-and-see evolutionary reforms and cannot wait for the market to bring everything in line with the new conditions. The only force capable of steering the reform process is the meaningful government regulation.

On the one hand, government institutions are to provide effective support to the real economy by investing public funds in growth drivers; on the other hand, they need to regulate business development directions and private capital investments. At the same time, the government is to handle social issues and to ensure social stability amidst the snowballing crisis.

In today's economic stagnation on the verge of recession, regions are particularly vulnerable. The shrinking revenues are driving regions into budget austerity. At the same time, social and infrastructure expenses are growing, which imposes additional responsibility on public authorities.

The Forum is meant to show how the government represented by regional authorities can and will influence the economic development of territories, to demonstrate Central Russia’s ability to meet the economy renovation challenges and to become the engine of economic reforms.

With ca. 1,000 participants, the CEF 2015 Forum will be in the limelight of the leading mass media.

The Forum will traditionally benefit from the participation and support of the Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Central Federal District, Russia’s Ministry of Economic Development, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Agency for Strategic Initiatives.

The main Forum Event will be the plenary discussion moderated by Russia’s Channel One presenter Alexander Gordon.

Plenary Discussion Themes

  • The role of state regulation in stimulating internal economic growth
  • State support of territorial economies: development methods and instruments
  • Stimulation of import-substituting production facilities in the region
  • Government regulation and support of the investment process
  • Neo-planning: prospects and opportunities
  • Indicative planning: a way to influence market processes
  • Land-use planning: the cornerstone of economic growth in the region
  • The role of large-scale infrastructural projects in overcoming the crisis
  • Military-industrial complex to enable development of the scientific and industrial potential
  • Public-private partnership schemes in infrastructural and social projects
  • Public authorities and large-sized businesses: cooperation opportunities
  • State procurement orders: a way to influence structural processes in the economy
  • The government’s role in solving employment issues
  • Hi-tech agriculture: the key to substitution of food imports in Russia

The CEF 2015 PROGRAM is essentially as follows:

  • DEBATE – Transition to a new economic planning policy: reality or utopia?
  • COUNCIL OF EXPERTS – Public-private partnership opportunities in infrastructure projects in Central Russia
  • ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION – Government regulation of small businesses: the carrot-stick dilemma
  • INTER-REGIONAL MEETING – Food supply security in Central Russia
  • YOUTH DISCUSSION. Exhibition of innovative solutions provided by young scientists and entrepreneurs of Central Russia

Participation in the Forum requires prior registration on the website and a confirmation from the Organizing Committee. Participation in the Forum is free of charge.

Organizers and Partners